CREEKSIDE WI Beetle meetings are now a regular activity on a Monday evening, with the numbers of those involved continuing to rise.

Recent months have seen a drastic rise in memberships, as well as beetles themselves — increasing in both their size and the quantity won.

A spokesperson for Creekside WI said: "We rattle our way through the games, enjoying drinks and nibbles if required and even have time for a quick chat.

"The Zoom time is never quite long enough so we are increasing our activities to bingo and a cheese and wine meeting so we can relax and chat, technology permitting!

"We wish to extend a sincere well done to the ladies involved so far — we have all battled to make life online exciting during a challenging time."

The next Creekside WI Zoom meeting will take place today (Thursday) and will involve a game of bingo.

To join in the fun and find out more, visit the group's website at