ONE Cowes stylist is going to extraordinary lengths to give her customers the earliest possible opportunity to fix their lockdown mops ­— by opening her salon at midnight.

Charlotte Brown, owner of Charlotte's Academy, aims to open her salon on July 4 and work on through the early hours of the morning.

"My first client is booked in at 12.01am."

Working from 12am to 8am, Charlotte and two of her staff members have more than 20 client booked in between them, before another team comes in to carry out the day shift.

The salon has a lot of surface area, and Charlotte has worked out she can have three staff members working in different areas of the salon, so clients are adequately distanced from one another.

In preparation for reopening, the reception area has been redesigned and perspex screens have been installed.

"We've also had some screens made that we can move around the salon for when we're using the backwashes," said Charlotte.

"All the team have got masks, visors, disposable gowns, aprons and gloves.

"My first client is booked in at 12.01am.

"We won't be doing any dry cuts, it's all going to be washed.

"I haven't seen anything to suggest the virus can live on hair but it's better to be safe than sorry."