Janet Hooper, Shalfleet:

I cannot believe that Christmas decorations are appearing in shops already.

We have barely had a summer and are still in August and enjoying the few sunny days that appear.

How astonishing then to walk into a store and find shelves packed with Christmas decorations and other tat relating to a season that is still months off.

What is going on? Can we not be allowed to enjoy what is left of the summer and autumn before we are bombarded with row upon row of tinsel and snowmen.

By the time Christmas is here, it feels like the season has stretched out for months.

The excitement has disappeared and it's no wonder children expect a huge amount of presents after seeing every toy and decoration under the sun for months on end.

It is much too early to display these items.

Perhaps the company gets them at a cheaper price now but couldn't they keep them in stock at least until December arrives.