A RANGE Rover driver from the Isle of Wight who was pulled over in Devon because he was banned from driving after a trial he never attended, will be arguing he was not made aware of it at a special hearing in the New Year.

Scott Roper, of St Pauls View Road, Newport, admitted driving whilst disqualified and without insurance, in Devon, on May 23.

His case was adjourned for a report on October 11.

In January, Island magistrates banned the former Sandown man for six months for speeding after a trial, which Roper never attended and was found guilty of in his absence. 

Roper had his licence endorsed with six penalty points, which led to an automatic disqualification under the totting procedure due to points already on his licence.

The 35-year-old was in Devon going to a business meeting when he was stopped on the A38 West road in Chudleigh, telling the police he was unaware he was already disqualified from driving, said Lauren Stone, prosecuting, at the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court last Friday (10).

Acting for Roper, Michael McGoldrick said his client admitted the offences, but disputed he had been made aware of the ban.

Magistrates granted Roper a Newton hearing to dispute the point, after Mr McGoldrick argued the outcome of it could have an effect on the punishment he receives.

Roper was bailed to reappear for the hearing on January 25.