AN ARGUMENT led to an Isle of Wight woman damaging a motorcycle and a car.

Tazmin French, known as Simpson, of George Street, Ryde, admitted two counts of causing criminal damage, totalling £320.

At around 5.45pm, on January 24, Simpson was at her mother's home, drinking, court heard.

Isle of Wight Magistrates were told that, following a heated row, she left the property and in doing so kicked over a motorcycle, leaving scuff marks on a pedal and indicator.

Simpson then targeted a car parked nearby — kicking and causing dents to a side panel, said Lauren Stone, prosecuting.

When questioned by police, Simpson fully admitted her actions and, in April, was handed a conditional caution.

Its conditions were to attend a Juno programme for women with trauma, who have committed minor offences, and to compensate those whose property was damaged.

Although the 21-year-old, with PTSD, completed Juno, she failed to pay compensation.

For Simpson, Oscar Vincent said: "The argument triggered behaviour associated with PTSD.

"In terms of compensation, she was expecting a call from the police over arrangements to pay it, but never got a call."

Magistrates were satisfied Simpson had served part of her caution, but ordered her to pay £320 compensation.