Tesco has confirmed it will continue delivering to Ventnor addresses, after removing the ability to book slots and citing the December landslide in Bonchurch as the reason.

The supermarket updated the County Press after the newspaper revealed yesterday that residents in Ventnor had been left unable to book any home delivery slots.

Customers should now be able to book again.

Tesco customer services told one shopper home delivery slots were unavailable "due to a landslide in the area that happened in December" and stated "we currently do not have a timescale as to when slots will be available to book again."

Another customer was told: "I have checked with my support team and they've advised that due to a landslide in the area which was totally out of our control we've had to block certain postcodes for driver safety but these are slowly being reopened."

A Tesco spokesperson told the County Press today: "Customers in Ventnor are now able to book online home deliveries.

"Customers may still need to allow extra time for deliveries due to the landslip that occurred in December.”