Nine months of events promoting storytelling on the Isle of Wight has culminated with an hour long performance at Quay Arts, Newport.

Organised by Somewhen Storytelling, UniVerse saw stories of deities, atoms, the big bang and turtles from Clare Murphy on March 5.

With financial support from Arts Council England, the performance was followed the next day by a workshop for science educators.

Participants included PhD students, NHS workers, Dinosaur Isle employees and others involved with environmental and outdoor education. 

Over the past nine months, Somewhen Storytelling has been promoting storytelling as living oral culture on the Island.

One of the event organisers, Sue Bailey, said: "We have had local Somewhen Storytellers entertaining children and adults at Chale Show, at Ventnor Fringe, and in Ventnor's Day of Christmas. 

"We have brought some fantastic nationally renowned storytellers who have told great tales that spread the word that storytelling is for grown ups too."

The Arts Council grant was applied for by the Island Storytellers, who meet monthly to informally share stories.

Events are held at Town Choice café, Newport and Yelf’s Hotel in Ryde.