More than 150 people suffered unnecessary 'deaths of despair' on the Isle of Wight over a three-year period, new analysis has found.

The team behind the study called for greater action "to prevent deaths from drugs, alcohol and suicide", and said the Government must improve the inequalities found across England.

Researchers from the University of Manchester analysed coroners' court records from 2019 to 2021.

Their analysis showed 46,200 people lost their lives due to drugs, alcohol or suicide in England – the equivalent of 42 people per day.

On the Isle of Wight, there were 64 deaths linked to alcohol, 45 caused by drugs and 42 suicides reported during the same period.

In total, there were 151 'deaths of despair', a collective term for deaths from these causes.

It meant the area was ranked 46th out of 308 local authorities in England with a mortality rate of 44.5 deaths per 100,000 people.

Lead author Christine Camacho said specific public health interventions and more wide-reaching and faster levelling up across England are needed to tackle the underlying inequalities which lead people to die from despair.

Lee Fernandes, lead therapist at alcohol treatment provider the UK Addiction Treatment Group, called the UK a "nation of binge drinkers", which led to "unhealthy drinking habits across almost all generations".

He added alcohol's legal status gives it less "stigma" than other drugs, meaning medical professionals may not take excess drinking as seriously.

"Until that misconception is addressed, more people will continue to die from alcohol," he added.

Nat Travis, national head of service at health and social care provider Turning Point, said the research "highlights the need for continued government investment into treatment services".

A spokesperson for the Department for Health and Social Care said: "The Government is committed to narrowing the gap in healthy life expectancy by 2030 and to increasing healthy life expectancy by five years by 2035.

"Spending on mental health has increased by more than £4.5 billion in cash terms since 2018-19.

"We’ve published a ten-year plan for tackling drug and alcohol-related harms and are investing an extra £532 million between 2022-23 to 2024-25.

"Our ambitious plans for a smokefree generation will also save tens of thousands of lives."

The following organisations offer free and confidential support over the phone

  • Samaritans -116 123 24 hour support, every day of the year
  • Papyrus  0800 068 41 41. Text 0778 620 9697 – prevention of young suicide
  • Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) – 0800 58 58 58, 5pm – midnight. Dedicated to preventing male suicide
  • Mind - 0300 123 3393. Advises on a range of mental health issues  
  • Young Minds - 0808 802 5544. Supports any adult worried about a child’s welfare
  • The Mix - 0808 808 4994. Helpline for people under the age of 25
  • The Isle of Wight Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team - 01983 522214
  • Speak to someone within 24 hours on the Isle of Wight. Call Isorropia on 01983 217791 or email Open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.