Following news that a snap General Election has been called, parliamentary candidates standing for the Isle of Wight West constituency have been reacting.

For the first time, the Island is being split into two constituencies.

It follows a review by the Boundary Commission and means there will be two Island MPs: one for the east and one for the west.

For Isle of Wight West, East Cowes town councillor and Green Party's Cameron Palin is standing.

The party said: "The IW Green Party is ready to fight the next general election and we look forward to offering islanders real, meaningful change. After Conservative-led austerity, and frequent flip-flopping from Labour, it's time to vote for what you believe in.

"Cameron Palin in the West has already had an overwhelming positive reception when meeting residents since their selection last year and both candidates have a clear plan to deliver for Islanders and the determination to succeed.

"Greens would look to bring the ferry companies into public ownership, protect our seas from raw sewage, bring down bills through a nationwide home insulation programme, and funding back into key public services including our NHS, schools and local councils.

"The Conservatives are highly likely to lose this election. There has never been a better time to vote Green; to elect MPs who truly care about our Island and will hold a Labour government to account. That time is now."

Ian Pickering, Reform UK candidate said: "We aren’t falling for ‘the plan is working, stick to the plan.’

"They aren’t fooling anyone, 14 years they’ve had to put their plans in place, we have broken systems all around us, failing our citizens every day.

"Today we have seen Paula Vennells give evidence to the Post Office inquiry, the scandal overseen by both Labour and the Conservatives.

"Only yesterday, the blood transfusion victims were being promised pitiful compensation by a government who have been ignoring their cries for years.

"We have also been told today that our prisons are full and that police officers are reluctant to arrest people because the whole system is crippled.

"No one is feeling any benefit in their pocket, so let’s give them the chance to vote for something new. 

"Reform UK will provide straight talking common sense solutions, lower taxes, zero waiting less on the NHS and will stop the boats."

Councillor for Cowes North, Richard Quigley, of Island Labour, said: "The country and the Island are desperate for a General Election, we are fed up with the Tory government and our beleaguered MP Bob Seely not delivering for the Island.

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"Our candidate Richard Quigley is ready to fight an election and make the change the island needs on ferries, the NHS and dentistry, home ownership, education and the environment.  

"With only Tory representation on the Island, we are invisible to government. The General Election can't come soon enough."

Incumbent MP and Conservative Bob Seely said: "The choice will be clear. The Conservatives have a plan to get inflation down, living standards up, improve controls on immigration and to reduce NHS waiting lists.

"The left-wing parties, including Labour, don’t have a plan to tackle any of the big challenges facing the country.

"On the Island, I’ll be highlighting my record of getting a better deal with £175 million of extra investment, fighting for a better deal on the ferries and standing up for the interests of the Island and for every single Islander.”

Liberal Democrat Nick Stuart, councillor for Brighstone, Calbourne and Shalfleet, said: "Bring It On"

  • For Isle of Wight East, Emily Brothers is standing for Labour; Michael Lilley for the Lib Dems; Vix Lowthion for the Green Party; Sarah Morris for Reform UK and Joe Robertson for the Conservatives.