The Isle of Wight County Press has been bringing Islanders the news since 1884. We've delved into our archives.

124 years ago, early June 1900:

Richard Jolliffe, of Havenstreet was charged with allowing three horses to stray on to the highway. Jolliffe said that he could not help it, as people would leave the gates open. He was fined 5s (25p) and 4s (20p) costs.

Repairs to the Medina causeway were agreed by councillors at a cost not exceeding £7.

Jack Potter, a private in the Royal Engineers stationed at Yarmouth, was charged with assaulting shoemaker Henry Morris by striking him over the head with a pint pot. It is believed that the offence arose from election exuberance and a difference of political beliefs.

99 years ago, on May 30, 1925:

Deputy Coroner F. A. Joyce considered the death of Parkhurst prisoner Joseph Kearon, 43, who died of acute gastritis, which was bought on by his fetish for swallowing cutlery, scissors and buttons.

An advert for the latest His Master's Voice (HMV) portable gramophone adorned a page of the County Press. The gramophone would "Grace your winter fireside as pleasantly as it will enliven your summer outings".

74 years ago, in early June 1950:

The cost of ferry fares were a source of grievance. Mr. H. Frohock, of St Alban's guest house, Shanklin, sent a letter to the County Press asking why it cost £3 to cross the Solent, when it only cost 5s (25p) to cross the Firth of Forth.

Rylstone Gardens, Shankin, was advertising alfresco dancing amid beautiful trees illuminated by floodlights and fairy lights. The evenings were held every Tuesday and Friday.

A motorist was fined 10s (50p) with a licence endorsement, for exceeding the 30 mph speed limit on Cowes Road, Newport. He said his car was so old that it didn't have a speedometer and he didn't realise that he was going so fast.

49 years ago, on May 31, 1975:

Untreated sewage in the sea surrounding the Island was considered no risk to health, following a report from Dr Douglas Quantrill, area specialist for the environment. However, Dr Quantrill did consider dog mess on Island pavements to be a risk to health, due to flies spreading germs to food shops.

Ventnor Winter Gardens was predicted to make a huge loss, after it was revealed that the weekly one-night stand shows were off to a bad start. Only eight seats had been booked for the first two shows, despite intensive advertising. It was noted that Ventnor people should support the shows.

34 years ago, on June 1, 1990:

Police were calling for witnesses to come forward with any information after a brass engraved plate was stolen from a 17th century sundial at Carisbrooke Castle.

A Binstead couple won a trip on the Orient Express after they entered a competition to find a new name for the Island's Sealink ferries. Eva and Reg Alexandra were among 33 entrants to submit the idea to re-name the company Wightlink, so it was down to the county council chairman, Bernard Pratt, to draw a name from all of the entrants. Nearly 900 County Press readers entered the competition, and other names that were considered included Wightway, Vectislink, Solent Seaways and Garden Isle Ferries.