The two-week closure of The Graben in Ventnor has been pushed back a week, avoiding the busy Isle of Wight Festival period and ensuring capacity for a shuttle bus in Upper Ventnor.

The news comes after the County Press asked the Isle of Wight Council to clarify a list of questions about the closure.

The questions and responses are below

The Graben will now be closed for two weeks from June 24 instead of June 17. 

It means the only route in and out of Ventnor is via Whitwell, due to Leeson Road being closed following a landslide in Bonchurch in December.

Here is what we asked the council:

Is Leeson Road still accessible from the Shanklin direction to emergency services, if needed?

Yes. Emergency services will still be able to access the closed section should they deem it necessary to do so.

Will the routes out of Whitwell be checked for visibility eg hedge trimming? For example, at present the junction of Southford Lane and the Newport/Niton Road has poor visibility, with cars having to go halfway across the carriageway to see if anything is coming.

This route is subject to our regular inspections to ensure it remains safe and accessible. We will schedule an additional inspection and take whatever action is appropriate to ensure this remains the case.

Will a one-way system be put in place along any of the routes? Last time there was a recommended one-way route for HGVs, for example. 

There will be a one-way system in place between Godshill and Whitwell. This is the narrowest section of the diversion route and a similar one-way system was put in place last time there was extended period of work at The Graben

Has the council considered temporary traffic lights for the narrower parts?

This has been considered but it is not felt temporary lights would improve traffic flows. While clearly not ideal, the agreed plan is – in all the circumstances - considered the best option in what is a difficult situation.

What is the situation with Southern Vectis buses? Will there be a shuttle service in Upper Ventnor?

Yes. We have spoken to Southern Vectis and pushing the scheme back a week to begin on June 24 means they will have the capacity to run a shuttle service between Upper Ventnor and the closure site.

Has the council considered helping parents of St Francis Primary School, who can no longer drive from Bonchurch or Ventnor up the Graben, for example by providing a temporary car parking area somewhere on the Ventnor side (eg Ventnor Industrial Estate) and either a walking route or a walking bus system?  

We hope the shuttle bus will provide the required support for parents. We / Southern Water will be happy to consider any other suggestions.

In the case of a road traffic accident shutting off the Whitwell access (therefore all access to Ventnor), what is the emergency plan to avoid people being stranded in Ventnor?

The council would work with multi agency partners and Island Roads to ensure that access could be made available to and from Ventnor for vehicles providing critical services.

Will the diversion route be clearly marked up?

Yes. The diversion route, and restrictions within it, will be clearly signed.

Will there be any temporary parking restrictions along any of the route? For example Whitwell High Street or Ocean View Road? 

Yes, there will be some temporary parking restrictions within the diversion to optimise traffic flows. These will be advertised in advance.

Will contractors be asked to work around the clock to get this job finished as quickly as possible? 

We are working closely with Southern Water to help them to finish their work as quickly as possible. However, 24-hour working will not always be possible given factors such as there being periods when materials used in the repair will need to cure.

Would you like to add any further statement about any other measures you are putting in place?

Island Roads, the Isle of Wight Council and Southern Water all appreciate the difficulties these current access issues in Ventnor are causing for residents and visitors. We also acknowledge that residents on the diversion route will also be affected by these essential works on the Graben.

Our number one priority is, and must be, public safety. At the same time, we can assure the community that we are all doing everything we can to resolve all these issues as quickly as possible.