Isle of Wight residents can access treatment and support for alcohol and drug issues through the Inclusion Recovery IW.

This service, funded by the Isle of Wight Council's Public Health team, is dedicated to helping individuals improve health and wellbeing.

The Inclusion hub in Newport provides individualised support and treatment for those in need.

Working with multiple partners, they endeavour to reduce harm from alcohol and drugs.

A diverse range of services, including a mental health drop-in at the Newport hub, are available.

Added facilities include a specialist nurse at St Mary’s Hospital and a specialised team working with the police service and prisons.

Additionally, targeted programmes have been developed to help potentially vulnerable individuals. These include hostel drop-ins for those lacking secure accommodation and improved testing for blood-borne viruses like Hepatitis C.

The Island’s Strategic Drug and Alcohol Partnership (ISDAP) spearheads the coordination of these services, in line with the National Drugs Strategy.

This includes allocating additional national grant money towards efforts to reduce alcohol and drug usage across the Island.

Simon Bryant, director of public health for the Isle of Wight Council, said: "Providing good quality, appropriate support that is easy to access for all Islanders is key to ensuring we help people to reduce their alcohol and drugs use and maintain good health.

"Inclusion Recovery IW is there to help and support residents of all ages with their alcohol and drugs use through services ranging from brief interventions to reduce your drinking to the delivery of more specialist treatment.

"We want to encourage individuals, their families and the wider community to support people to access non-judgemental care and support when they need it."

The Isle of Wight Council also joins in delivering the mental wellbeing plan and suicide prevention plan.

For urgent mental health support, individuals can contact Mental Health Crisis Support.

For queries or concerns related to alcohol or drug use, residents can contact Inclusion on 01983 526654 (out of hours number, 0300 330 2001) or visit Inclusion IOW.

Those affected or bereaved by suicide can get free, confidential help at