AN ISLE of Wight serial offender with a staggering 22 offences has been spared immediate jail and given one last chance to turn her life around.

Lorelei Fisher, of High Street, Shanklin, appeared before Isle of Wight magistrates on Tuesday, May 28.

At the hearing, and across various other hearings, the 18-year-old admitted a long list of offences – 22 in total – including burglary other than a dwelling, theft, attempted theft, criminal damage, common assault, assault by beating, and multiple public order offences.

Prosecutor, Liz Miller, said there were “a lot of offences” and described them as “matters of a muchness”.

Addressing the most serious offences, the court heard she trespassed in two bedrooms in a multi-occupancy building and bit police officers; her teeth classed as a weapon.

Oscar Vincent, defending, said it would be an understatement to say Fisher was vulnerable.

He said she had been in foster care since childhood, in social care since turning 18, and had several issues including alcohol dependency, depression and ADHD, as well as complex PTSD.

Mr Vincent told the bench immediate imprisonment would expose her to more sophisticated offenders and would not address the cycle.

He said Fisher had an extremely traumatic childhood, and presented as someone much younger than 18.

Fisher was handed an eight-week prison term, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to pay £550 compensation.

Magistrates told her: “This is absolutely your last chance.

“We don’t want to see you back here.”