Leader of the Labour Party, Keir Starmer, has said he is 'baffled' that a solution has not been found to the challenges of Isle of Wight ferry travel.

In a statement on Monday, Sir Keir said: "Labour is committed to finding a solution to the issues with Wightlink and Red Funnel.

"Labour would ask the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to look at the situation, and whether intervention is needed." 

Isle of Wight County Press: Keir Starmer at Labour's campaign launch, this weekKeir Starmer at Labour's campaign launch, this week (Image: Lucy North/PA)

(Image: Contributed)

The CMA is a non-ministerial Government body tasked with strengthening competition in business.

Before the election was called, Isle of Wight West Labour Party candidate, Richard Quigley was pictured with shadow transport secretary, Louise Haigh, who he says he asked for a commitment to look for a solution to the issues.

Click on the links above to find out how the Isle of Wight's electoral candidates would tackle Isle of Wight ferries.

  • In Isle of Wight West, parliamentary candidates standing are Green Party's Cameron Palin; Ian Pickering, Reform UK candidate; Richard Quigley, of Island Labour; Conservative Bob Seely; and Liberal Democrat's Nick Stuart.
  • For Isle of Wight East, Emily Brothers is standing for Labour; Michael Lilley for the Lib Dems; Vix Lowthion for the Green Party; Sarah Morris for Reform UK; and Joe Robertson for the Conservatives