A MUSICIAN playing in one of the acts during this year's Isle of Wight Festival is cycling to the Island in aid of Cancer Research UK.

Ollie Newbury, the keyboard player and a guitarist of popular Midlands band, Eighty Eight Miles, has challenged himself to cycle from Birmingham to the Isle of Wight over five days.

Ollie began his 165-mile cycle yesterday (Monday, June 17) and aims to arrive on the Island on Friday.

The five-piece indie pop/rock combo will be making its debut at the Isle of Wight Festival on Sunday.

Here's how you can support Ollie's fundraising cycle to the Island

Ollie has set up a fundraising page with Cancer Research UK. To make a donation, click on the LINK.

Ollie, who has set up a fundraising page with Cancer Research UK, has so far raised £380 — smashing his £200 target.

Just £300 could buy a device used to spin blood samples, so different types of cells separate, allowing the charity's scientists to study the different types of cancerous cells and find out more about them.

Ollie said: "Cancer is happening right now, which is why I’m fundraising right now for Cancer Research UK.

"There’s no time to lose! Donate to my page today and help bring forward the day when all cancers are cured."