The garden makeover project at Easthill Home for Deaf People is underway, thanks to overwhelming support from the local community, volunteers, and businesses.

The heartwarming project has given the garden new life and provided a welcoming outdoor space for the residents to enjoy.

As the sole care facility for deaf people in the area, and the only care home registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) specifically for deaf people, Easthill plays a crucial role in providing specialised care and support to its deaf residents.

However, despite the excellent care and facilities provided, the garden was in need of a makeover.

The garden getting a makeoverThe garden getting a makeover (Image: Contributed)

Recently, more than 40 volunteers gathered at Easthill Home for Deaf People to contribute their time, skills, and resources to its garden makeover project.

Some had gone along after reading about the project in the County Press.

The transformation was spearheaded by the family and friends of residents, Karen Baitup and Amanda Casson-Webb, who, inspired by the care their family members receive at Easthill, envisioned a beautiful garden for all residents to enjoy.

Karen said: “My mum has dementia and has been living at Easthill for two years. The staff are so kind and caring, and when you see all the staff and residents signing together, you realise it’s a special place.

"We wanted to give something back to say thanks and knew the garden was the perfect project.”

Volunteers getting stuck in Volunteers getting stuck in (Image: Contributed)

Amber Holbrook, registered manager at the home, said: "We are immensely grateful for the incredible turnout and the dedication shown by everyone involved.

"The garden looks fantastic, and it’s all thanks to the hard work and generosity of our wonderful community."

Everyone rallied together to provide plants, garden tools, and monetary donations, ensuring the garden makeover was a resounding success.

Volunteers planted flowers, weeded, painted, and more, to bring a new lease of life to the garden.

Karen said: "Seeing the garden come to life with the help of so many kind-hearted individuals has been incredibly touching.

"My mum and the other residents now have a beautiful space to relax and enjoy, and it’s a testament to the power of community spirit."