Conservative Joe Robertson was won the Isle of Wight East constituency's first General Election, with a majority of 3,323.

Bringing in a total of 10,427 votes, 30.5 per cent of IW East's turnout of 34,149, Joe said it was a 'great honour' to have won his seat at Westminster.

Joe fought off competition from Reform UK's Sarah Morris (7,104), Green Party's Vix Lowthion (6,313) and Labour's Emily Brothers (6,264), to keep on Conservative MP on the Island.

(Image: IWCP)

Just 49 votes - 0.1 per cent share - separated the Green and Labour Party candidates.

SEE OUR IW EAST ELECTION BLOG: Isle of Wight East LIVE General Election 2024 count updates

Speaking the County Press after the declaration, Joe said: "It's very exciting, it's a great honour, and this morning I'm also a little weary!" 

When asked if he was surprised by the more than 3,000 vote margin between himself and Sarah Morris in second, Joe added: "The campaign we ran here was very local, it was very positive. We stuck to what I would do as the next MP, and the feeling was always quite good on the ground.

"I took nothing for granted, and it's obviously been a very difficult night for the Conservative Party nationally, but we ran a local campaign here in the East Wight."

WATCH Joe Robertson's first interview after being confirmed as Isle of Wight East MP, below.

Joe said his priority pile is "quite high and rather huge," with business and job opportunities being one of the main topics constituents discussed during his visits to their doorsteps on the campaign trail. 

As MP of IW East, Joe explained that his job, from day one, will be to "sell the Island as a place for businesses to come to," and for "businesses here to grow and employ local people."

Joe said he would ensure the government does not forget about IW East.

Finally, Joe discussed his new IW West counterpart, the Labour Party's first Island MP, Richard Quigley.

Joe said: "I know Richard as a fellow councillor, we're both on the IW Council together, and we have a perfectly good working relationship already.

"I don't have concerns that we can't work together."

For more election coverage visit the Isle of Wight County Press politics page.