FORMER Isle of Wight MP Bob Seely has spoken out after failing to win the Isle of Wight West seat at the General Election.

Bob had served as Isle of Wight MP since 2017 but lost to Labour's Richard Quigley.

He declined to speak to the media at the count but released a statement on Facebook this morning.

It said: "Bit groggy this morning! We did our best yesterday, but it wasn’t enough in the face of a collapse nationally in Conservative support.

Former Isle of Wight MP Bob Seely at last night's election count (Image: County Press)

(Image: County Press)

(Image: County Press)

(Image: County Press)

"I want to thank all my team, but most of all those people who continued to support the Conservatives in the Isle of Wight West seat.

"I am proud of what, working with others, we achieved. Thank you to all those who worked with me to try to make the Island better over the past seven years. I know that work will carry on.

"I wish both our new MPs the best of luck. I hope that they will work together for the good of the Island.

"Thank you for the many messages of support.

"I love the Island, it’s my home and my passion. I'll still be engaged in community and public life. Let’s see what the future holds.

"Kind regards to you all. Have a great weekend."