Year 13 students from the Isle of Wight VI Form celebrated prom season at Quay Arts in Newport.

Attendees were treated to great food, entertainment and a DJ set for their leavers’ celebrations

On May 15, year 13 had their final assembly, featuring the Leavers’ Awards, which included student of the year Jake Curran, who has been the driving force of the Student Voice for two years and played a key role in the planning of the prom.

See our souvenir proms supplement, out tomorrow (Friday, July 12).

Jake Curran at the Island VI Form year 13 promJake Curran at the Island VI Form year 13 prom (Image: Paul Blackley)

Head of the Island VI Form, Dave Mumford, said: “Our penultimate event for Year 13 leavers this year was the prom, hosted at Quay Arts.

“As always, it was an amazing evening. Thank you to Student Voice for organising and running the event.”

The Island VI Form’s Student Voice group held a car wash to raise funds towards the prom.