Wight Tri member Liz Dunlop recently clinched third and qualified for the Team GB 2025 Age Group World Championship.

Coming off disappointment from her inability to compete in the European Middle Distance Championships in Portugal due to illness, Dunlop was not fully recovered.

Nevertheless, she participated in the shorter distance category to aim for her qualification.

This followed her taking part in the Cardiff Sprint Triathlon.

Her effort in the competition was combated against a 750m swim in Cardiff bay's murky waters, a 20km bike on a four-lap 5km closed road circuit around the city centre, and a 5km run around the bay.

Though she struggled with her swim, coming third in her age group, she pushed through the solo bike ride, clocking 41.03 minutes.

A solid running time of 24.44 minutes led her to finish at 1.26.29 hours, clinching third in the Vet 65-69 category.

Despite the struggle, Dunlop managed to get the qualification slot which she desired.

Dunlop was grateful to Wightlink in the Community and IW Sports Council for their continued support in her training and travel.

On another note, 16 Wight Tri members participated in the Carisbrooke Duathlon recently.

They weathered less-than-ideal weather conditions to complete a run-bike run format race.

Congratulations went to new member Matt Burgess who outpaced everyone in the long course, clocking 1.16.16 hours.

Dan Morgan excelled in the short course, with a time of 1.02.02 hours, almost ten seconds faster than the quickest female, Lucy Doorly.

Glyn Jenkins, running at just 26 seconds over his nominated time, was also congratulated.