An Isle of Wight drink driver who was banned from the roads in 2019 for 'one of the highest readings' magistrates had ever seen has been banned from the road again — this time for being more than three times the limit.

Appearing before magistrates back in May, Leah Franklin, of St Martin's Road, Wroxall, admitted drink driving.

Liz Miller, prosecuting, said at around 8.45pm on May 1, Franklin was spotted by police on patrol.

Officers saw a BMW, with Franklin at the wheel, pull out of a junction onto Dover Street, Ryde, 'erratically'.

The car was stopped on Park Road, Ms Miller said, and Franklin, 29, told police she had been drinking throughout the day.

She was breathalysed and taken to custody and while there, another breath test came back at 108 microgrammes of alcohol, when the legal limit is 35.

Jim Osborne, defending, revealed Franklin had already been banned from driving once before.

On that occasion, in 2019, magistrates said her reading was one of the highest they had ever seen.

In May, Franklin’s case was adjourned for a pre-sentence report to be drawn up.

Appearing for sentencing on July 5, Franklin was disqualified from driving for 36 months and made subject of a 12-month community order, to include 20 rehabilitation days.

She was fined £276 and ordered to pay costs of £85 and a £114 surcharge.