A SERIAL offender who went into a supermarket he had been banned from, insulted a woman and caused damage by hurling a shopping basket at a news stand, an Isle of Wight court was told.  

Bradley Sparshot admitted assaulting a man by beating, causing criminal damage and shoplifting, at the Co-op, East Cowes, on April 22, when he appeared at the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court, on Friday (July 12).

Sparshot, 32, of York Avenue, East Cowes, had, in committing the offences, flouted a suspended jail sentence, imposed in July 2022. 

He entered the store and was immediately confronted by a male member of staff, who recognised him as being banned.

He began yelling abuse at staff, said Lauren Stone, prosecuting.

Sparshot then slapped the staff member's arm, which although had not harmed him, made him feel "very uncomfortable", the court heard.

He then took a bottle of wine and threatened to punch him, before hurling a shopping basket at a newspaper stand.

Sparshot appeared with a criminal record 69 convictions for 151 offences.

For Sparshot, Oscar Vincent said his client told staff, when he entered the store, he was dying, due to his poor health at the time.

"He is diagnosed with severe health issues, such as kidney and liver failure, pancreatitis and severe thrombosis," said Miss Stone.

"On the day in question, after doing so well on his release from prison, he relapsed after his test results came back, informing him his illnesses are progressive, leaving him with a period of one to four years to live.

"He went into emotional decline that day.

"The slap to the member of staff did not cause pain, described as being like that of someone greeting a friend — but which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"His homelessness in the past has been the root cause of his offending behaviour."

Magistrates handed Sparshot an order to pay the Co-op £248 in compensation for wine and damage caused.