Five Age UK Isle of Wight members of staff have lost their jobs following the closure of its Digital Friendly Island service.

The independent charity is calling on the community for support following the closure, which is due to the end of fixed-term funding.

The service, which provided vital support to older residents in navigating the digital world, has ceased operations, leaving five staff members without jobs.

Despite efforts to secure alternative funding, the charity was unable to sustain the service without further financial backing.

“The closure of the Digital Friendly Island service is a significant loss for the Isle of Wight community, as it served hundreds of older individuals each year,” said a spokesperson for the service.

“Age UK Isle of Wight remains committed to supporting older residents who are offline and overlooked and is working tirelessly to assist them in any way possible.

To donate, or learn more about how you can support Age UK Isle of Wight, visit its website here, or call 01983 525282.

“The charity has enlisted the help of dedicated digital volunteers to continue running digital drop-ins at community venues across the Island, ensuring that older residents still have access to much-needed support.

“The charity’s Good Neighbour Scheme will facilitate low-level digital support that can be delivered to individuals at home.

“Age UK Isle of Wight are actively exploring opportunities to continue delivering digital support in the community.

“The closure of the Digital Friendly Island service underscores the importance of ongoing support from the community.

“No donation is too small, and every contribution helps Age UK Isle of Wight continue its crucial work on the Island.”

"We are saddened by the closure of the Digital Friendly Island service, which serves as a stark reminder of the constant need for ongoing funding," said Maria Bunce, chief officer at Age UK Isle of Wight.

"We are grateful for support in whatever size it comes.

"While this service may have ended, our commitment to supporting older residents remains unwavering.

"We continue to run all our other services as usual, and your donations are crucial in helping us make a positive impact in the community."