THE VITAL community role played by the volunteers and coxswain of Sandown and Shanklin Independent Lifeboat has attracted royal recognition and the highest possible award handed to a voluntary group.

The lifeboat, located on the Sandown-Shanklin revetment, has received the Kings Award for Voluntary Service.

Isle of Wight Lord Lieutenant, Susie Sheldon, presented the award to coxswain Mark Birch, on behalf of lifeboat service, and congratulated him and his volunteer crew, at a special civic event held on Friday last week (July 12).

Susie said: "The selfless dedication and commitment of Mark, the crew and the support team of fundraisers and volunteers, more than deserves recognition with the award of the King's Award for Voluntary Services."

The Island's Lord Lieutenant, Susie Sheldon, presenting glassware to coxswain, Mark Birch.The Island's Lord Lieutenant, Susie Sheldon, presenting glassware to coxswain, Mark Birch. (Image: Richard Priest)

Dignitaries at the King's Award — from left: Dep Lt Dr Nicholas England, East Wight MP Joe Robertson, IW Council chair Cllr Vanessa Churchman, IW Council leader, Cllr Karl Love, IW Lord Lt Susie Sheldon, Sandown and Shanklin Independent Lifeboat, Mark Birch, and Sandown mayor, Cllr Alex Lightfoot.Dignitaries at the King's Award — from left: Dep Lt Dr Nicholas England, East Wight MP Joe Robertson, IW Council chair Cllr Vanessa Churchman, IW Council leader, Cllr Karl Love, IW Lord Lt Susie Sheldon, Sandown and Shanklin Independent Lifeboat, Mark Birch, and Sandown mayor, Cllr Alex Lightfoot. (Image: Richard Priest)

She also presented Mark with a unique piece of glassware and a certificate, signed by King Charles.

The civic event, held at Sandown's Broadway Centre, also featured the reading of a citation by Deputy Lieutenant, Dr Nicholas England, to around 100 dignitaries.

The audience included newly-elected East Wight MP, Joe Robertson, together with Sandown mayor, Cllr Alex Lightfoot, former mayors Gary Young, Cllr Heather Humby and Cllr Paddy Lightfoot, Isle of Wight Council chairman, Cllr Karl Love, and vice-chair, Cllr Vanessa Churchman.

Mark was delighted with the award.

He said: "It was a great honour to accept the award on behalf of the crew and all involved with Sandown and Shanklin Independent Lifeboat — especially from the Lord Lieutenant, who has been incredibly supportive since coming into post."

Lifeboat volunteers also enjoyed a specially made 'King's Award' cake, cut by the Lord Lieutenant, with all members receiving special Kings Award badges, in recognition of their individual contribution and service to the community of Sandown Bay and the Island.

Susie concluded: "The lifeboat team is only one of 262 recipients nationally, so it was a delight to see the importance of the award be attributed to Mark and all involved."

Created in 2002 as the Queen's Award, to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee, the re-named award shines a light on the "fantastic work" of voluntary groups across the country — equivalent to the MBE and the highest award given to voluntary groups.