A drug driver who was nearly five times the legal limit for cocaine has been banned from the roads for a second time.

Matthew Martin, 32, of North Cornelly, Bridgend, admitted drug driving, when he appeared at the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court on July 19.

On February 2, two police officers spotted Martin driving a black Audi on Trafalgar Road and Nelson Road, Newport at 9pm.

A check from the officers found that he had no insurance, court heard.

After he was pulled over officers also discovered he did not have a valid license and had used a lot of drugs, Liz Miller, prosecuting, said.

A roadside drugs test came back positive for cocaine.

At Newport Police Station, he was found to have 240mg/l of cocaine derivative BZE in his blood, when the legal limit is 50.

Defending, Jim Osborne, said Martin had reapplied for his license after a previous ban and was registered to drive.

Court heard how Martin was driving on business insurance.

Mr Osborne said his client deeply regrets his actions and where it was his second driving offence, knew he was facing a lengthy ban.

Magistrates handed Martin a 36 month driving ban and £795 costs.