A kayaker got a rare and welcome surprise when a seal pup joined him during an "amazing" encounter off the Isle of Wight.

Eric Atkinson was able to capture the incredible experience on camera.

The 61-year-old, from Newport, had not long finished work when he decided to have picnic on the beach and take his kayak out, off the northern side of the Island.

He had been on the water for around half an hour when he heard snorting behind him.

Having turned around, he was "delighted" to see a seal pup had taken an interest in him.

"For the next 40 mins it just followed me staying with in two meters of me and at times, was passing under the kayak", he told the County Press.

"It was an amazing encounter and experience to have with a wild seal."

In one of Eric's videos, the seal pup can be seen following behind and alongside the kayak.

While in another, the snorting Eric refers to, can be heard clearly.

Seals generally tend to be wary of people, but pups are known to be more friendly and playful compared to adults.

They are solitary mammals at sea but come together for breeding.