Fresh proposals for a major new commercial and leisure park on land next to the Isle of Wight Airport are back before planners.

However, an application seeking outline permission to build Sandown Employment Park is recommended for refusal.

Mr T. Fowler, of Island Airports, wants to construct 12 commercial units/buildings, with space for 246 car parking spots, between Scotchells Brook Lane and Newport Road, Apse Heath.

It is suggested that the scheme would provide 500 jobs.

Initial plans were refused in October 2018.

Among the reasons given were a lack of information on the impact on traffic, inadequate foot way links and pedestrian crossings, and the development being 'detrimental to the rural character of the area'.

The proposed look of Sandown Employment Park. (Rainey Petrie Architecture)

It is proposed that access to the park would be gained from a spur road off Newport Road.

This would form a staggered junction with the existing Honnor and Jeffrey Garden Centre, on the opposite side of the road.

Original plans sought to relocate the bus stop, but the revised application proposes a new concrete standing area for the existing bus stop near the entrance to Scotchells Brook Lane.

This would also include a widened footpath to the existing eastbound bus stop.

To date, the application has 22 letters of objection and 23 letters in support. Among those to object to the plans is Paul Brading, IW councillor for Lake South.

Although the development would result in job creation, planning officers say it would not be considered a 'sustainable form of development'.

They say the application fails to 'adequately provide' suitable access and the provision of pedestrian connectivity to the east.

Planning documents state: "In addition, the density and height of the proposed buildings and excessive amount of hard surfacing would harm the character of the area, and therefore officers consider that the application should be refused planning permission."

A final decision on plans, which can be viewed on the council's planning portal by searching 19/01205/OUT, is due to be made by councillors on July 30.