Hundreds lined the streets of Yarmouth this afternoon (Saturday, August 17), for the town’s last day of carnival week festivities.

See our gallery of photos above and video below

Yarmouth’s 112th carnival week got underway last Saturday (August 10), offering visitors to the West Wight town plenty of carnival fun to get stuck in with.

This year’s events included various fun and games, from boat racing, teddy bears’ picnic and field sports to the dog and pet show, wellie throwing and a treasure hunt. 

Today, on the final day of Carnival week, the parade brought Yarmouth alive with eye-catching costumes, water pistols, snow machines and music.

Before the parade, participants gathered on The Green for judging, which this year, was the duty of the Island's High Sheriff Graham Biss and his wife Sue.

The procession was temporarily halted in Town Square after a 'Yar Wars' float got stuck behind a parked car and tailed behind for the majority of the parade.

Despite this, the various stormtroopers, aliens and Sith Lords on board remained upbeat and the town cheered them all the way along the route!