An Isle of Wight secondary school has placed locked gates across the access to students' toilets.

Toilets at Sandown's The Bay CE School's secondary site will be locked during lesson time, opening during breaktimes and lunchtimes.

Students will be able to access the locked toilets through being given a purple lanyard by a teacher should they have a reason to leave the lesson.

The student will then ask for a key to the toilets at reception, giving their name so the school can monitor toilet usage and support students that need access.

The school installed the gates over the summer holidays, citing some students using the toilet areas "inappropriately" as the motivation behind the decision.

In a letter to parents, headteacher Emma Bowden stated: "We have made the decision to proactively try to stop the vandalism and vaping that were causing some of our students some anxiety.

"Therefore we have had fitted over the summer holidays gates which will be locked during lesson times.

"This does not mean that your child will not be able to use the toilet should they need to during lesson times and the following will be explained to students.

"If your child raises any queries, please do contact your child’s tutor so we can support and be aware of any concerns."