Dave Talbot, Binstead: 

Joe Robertson MP, IW East, writes (CP 27-09-24) the government has given train drivers, on an
average salary of £60,000, a £9,000 pay rise.

I don’t doubt Mr Robertson’s figures, but for comparison, note that the current basic salary for an MP is £91,346. The pay of MPs is further greatly enhanced by favourable expense allowances.

Also salient is the significant shortage of freight and passenger train drivers, against a full complement of extant and aspirational MPs.

Read more: Isle of Wight pensioner backs means testing winter fuel allowance

As to whom provides the more valuable service, perhaps individual CP readers are best to decide.

I share Mr Robertson’s sentiments regarding the cessation of the winter fuel payment,
especially his concerns for those with long term frailty.

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I think the handling of the winter fuel payment issue by the new government has been wholly inept.

I also agree the IW is at sole risk of being dependent on privatised, debt-laden companies for transport: a consequence of Margaret Thatcher’s premiership, her lust for money and privatisation, causing short term gain for subsequent long term pain.

Worst were the bank deregulation policies, headed by the USA and parroted by Mrs Thatcher during the 1980s, resulting in the global financial crisis of 2008 and the collapse around the world of major banks.

Read more: Isle of Wight housing issues solution possible with French system

The CP’s correspondents from Brading, “What goes around” (CP 27-09-24), incorrectly infers
Labour contributed to the financial debacle.

It did not, but Liam Byrne, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, was inexcusably silly to leave the “I’m afraid there is no money” note for his successor.