THE ISLE of Wight's strongest prison officer — possibly the world's — Zoltan Mihalyi became a world champion powerlifter in Hungary.

Zoltan, of Newport, but who hails from Hungary, earned his ticket to the 2023 Global Powerlifting Committee World Championships, with some impressive performances leading up the event. 

He was among more than 900 competitors from 30 countries competing in the competition, which ran between October 9 and 15.

At the event, Zoltan won the 125kg M2 category.

His result comprised a 267.5kg squat, 185kg bench press and 260kg deadlift, which gave him a total of 712.5kg.

Zoltan is no stranger to winning on the big occasion. 

His first world championship title was won in 2015, after he had already become world champion with another powerlifting federations.

Following that, Zoltan took a five-year break from competing, before he made a triumphal return to the podium this year. 

"Being born in Hungary, this location also gave me special motivation to prepare," said Zoltan.

"Sport has always been a part of my life. I went to a sports school, where after trying so many of them, I stuck with track and field events, especially the shot put. 

"Later, the world of combat sports captivated me. In 2007, my family and I moved to the Island, where we have lived ever since. 

"Opportunities in the field of combat sports were quite limited, so I began to satisfy my needs for exercise by training in my local gym.

"This is where I got to know the world of powerlifting.  I was immediately captivated.

"I am happy with the gold medal, but I still have plenty of goals. 

"I would like to continue this sport for a long time. I owe a lot to strength training, which has helped me through a difficult period in my life."