AFTER another successful year, The Vectis Flying Club marked it with accolades at their annual prizegiving and meal — fancier Trevor Willis swooping in for most of them.  

The event, held at the Blacksmiths Arms, Carisbrooke, feayured how well members did when competing in the Southampton and District North Road Federation's club races, with their birds flying from as close as Upper Heyford, to Rugby in the Midlands.

Isle of Wight County Press: Trevor Willis was a multiple winner at the Vectis Flying Club's annual awards dinner.Trevor Willis was a multiple winner at the Vectis Flying Club's annual awards dinner. (Image: Trevor Willis)

Fanciers also competed in the four national club’s events, where the birds fly from the south, starting with races from Guernsey and northern France, progressing down to Tarbes and Pau in the Pyrenees.

"After some difficult seasons, due to Covid and Britain leaving the European Union, it is now possible to fly easier from Europe into the UK," explained Vectis member, Geoff Watkin.

"Unfortunately, due to changing climate conditions, a number of the important races were affected by very hot, windy or wet weather, which resulted in delays in liberating the birds.

Vectis are confident of achieving another successful season and are, at present, preparing the birds for breeding prior to the 2024 races, which get underway at the end of April.