LEADING Isle of Wight athletes Matt Sharp and Chris Newnham produced super impressive runs, to finish in the top 12 in the Saucony London 10k, as part of a huge field of 18,000 runners on Sunday (July 14).

Both runners are members of Ryde Harriers running club and are coached by Geoff Watkin, who is based in Ryde.

Right from the gun, Sharp was soon into his running — matching record breaking Seyfu Jamaal stride-for-stride as they passed the first kilometre, in a swift 2mins 53secs.

Through 5km, in 14mins 45secs, the pair were still together and, despite Sharp’s attempt to drop Jamaal, the Ethiopian-based youngster was strong enough to increase his pace, as the finish approached, to record a time of 29.41 for victory.

Despite hanging on bravely, Sharp (29.47) was pipped for second place — by a three-second margin — by American, Jared Ward, who came sixth in the Rio Olympics, finishing the London 10k in 29.44.

Sharp went into the event, having not run a 'serious' 10k for several years, so was delighted with a sub-30 minute clocking.

Unfortunately, Newnham got stuck in a crowd of runners, in the huge field, early on in the race.

But he "aggressively got into his running" to find clear road, said Watkin.

He passed the half-way point in 15mins 53secs — "a little down on his planned pace", but battled it out with athletes around him to finish in an excellent 12th place, in 32.25, but was disappointed not to beat his personal best.

"This London course has many turns and switch backs that do not lend itself to fast times," added the coach.