Isle of Wight County Press - Memorials

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Death Notice

Robert Wilson

Published on 29/11/2024

Robert Wilson
Wilson Robert "Will" Will passed away on the 10th of November after a short term in hospital. He spent his last days surrounded by family and friends. He indulged in ice-cream and hot chocolate, and loved seeing all his visitors. A Funeral will be held at the crematorium on the 5th of December at 10.30am, all are welcome. No flowers, donations can be made, to St Catherine's School C/O Ingrams Ventnor 01983 852028


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Tessa Mary December 3rd, 2024
Tessa Mary image
Thank you Will for being a true gentleman. For your interesting life stories on the island from your childhood to your travels across many continents. You offered this world your gentle soul and will be missed greatly. Sending my love to you in spirit. TessaX