Yay! We can all become film stars as the Island makes a bid to become the global film industry’s destination of choice (CP, 12-03-21).

Or you might be super excited by the proposed £33m ‘Disneyland-like’ investment in Dinosaur Isle. How about the IW Council’s £322.25m regeneration ‘wish list’.

Will Dave Stewart and Bob Seely ‘save the day’ a few weeks before the May council elections?

What’s not to believe from our MP, who has failed to deliver on his pre-election promised ‘Island Deal’ , and our IW Council leader, who after four years trying, and countless buckets of council taxpayers’ money, has failed to fix our floating bridge?

Read more letters sent to the County Press here. Do you have a view on this or any other subject? Send us a letter to editor@iwcp.co.uk