Bob Seely is undoubtably knowledgeable about Ukraine, but I wonder whether he needs to see Ukraine’s conflict with Russia in a much bigger global context?

We know Putin is an accomplished chess player. He is happy to play the long game, setting up his play, and moving at the right time.

Having fuelling the decadent West's incessant preoccupation with greed and making easy money, he’s successfully turned London into what many now call Londongrad.

There are many unanswered questions such as how deeply does Russian money contaminate parts of our society?

Read more:

Indeed, does Russian money fund some members of the Conservative Party?

Putin is happy for the war in Ukraine to be long and protracted secure in the knowledge that here in the UK over recent years we have halved our airforce, halved our army and halved the number of ships in our navy.

Now, from these depleted resources, along with our America and European partners, we are providing Ukraine with arms, with no plan to replenish diminishing stock levels, thereby reducing our ability to defend ourselves or intercede in skirmishes elsewhere in the world.

When the time is right we will surely see Russia’s ally, China, advance on Taiwan and other countries in its region?

Countries in Africa, South America and Asia will then chose to side with the new World order, with America and Europe retracting into their own protective and diminished economic enclaves.

Russia’s war with Ukraine is simply a pawn in this larger global game.

Should we be drawn deeper and deeper into Putin’s game, or focus more on investing in and reclaiming much of the industry, science and innovative intellectual property we have so stupidly undervalued and given away?

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