A date for the full reopening of Newport's Lord Louis Library building on the Isle of Wight has been revealed.

Months of works which started earlier in the year are almost complete.

The library has remained open for the majority of the time by operating from the children's library only.

It will close for two days on Monday 11 and Tuesday, September 12 2023.

This is to allow staff to move books and items back into the front half of the building.

The library will fully reopen on Thursday, September 14 and will once again be accessed via the main entrance at the front of the building. 

Rob Jones, the council's library service manager, said: "Customers should continue using the temporary entrance located in Church Litten, until Saturday, September 9, which is also the last day of the Summer Reading Challenge. 

"We will then be closing the library on Monday 11 and Tuesday 12, September whilst we fully restock, the library is closed as usual on a Wednesday. We very much look forward to welcoming you back to the main library when we fully reopen on Thursday, September 14.

"A big thank you to all our customers for their patience and understanding during this time.

"Please remember you will still be able to use all of the online services while and other island libraries whilst the Lord Louis library is closed for two days at the end of the works."

When the library reopens fully, customers will no longer be able to access the library via the temporary entrance in Church Litten. 

Activities such as Rhymetime, Lego club and the over 60s group will be running as normal again. 

All public computers will be available for use as well as printing and photocopying facilities.