Beach steps at a popular Isle of Wight attraction will remain closed over the February half term due to landslip fears.

The steps at the Needles Landmark Attraction, which lead down to Alum Bay and the coloured sands, were closed on December 7.

However, they are still unable to open, and the attraction has said they will remain closed through the forthcoming holiday week.

A spokesperson said in December: "The Isle of Wight Council have been monitoring the beach steps at The Needles very closely and they are becoming concerned with the proximity of further landslip/coastal erosion.

"The decision has been made on the grounds of health and safety and to protect the general public, is to close the steps with immediate effect.

"The Isle of Wight Council will keep us informed when work has been completed but this is essential maintenance to protect everyone."

This message has been re-shared on the attraction's Facebook page this week.

Open for visitors to enjoy this week are: Dino Jeep Safari, Jurassic Adventure Golf, Alum Bay Glass, Sand Shop, Pier Head Gift Shop, Marconi’s Restaurant and Sweet Shop Manufactory.

The chairlift will reopen at Easter after winter maintenance has been completed.