At the close of nominations today (Friday), it has been confirmed that 12 candidates are contesting the General Election across the Isle of Wight two new parliamentary constituencies.

Find out who the candidates are below

There are six candidates in both the IW West and IW East constituencies, with the election taking place on Thursday, July 4.

This will be the first general election since the introduction of photo ID, and voters are reminded that if they do not have relevant ID, such as a passport or driving licence, they can apply for a free ID known as a ‘Voter Authority Certificate’.

The deadline to apply is 5pm on Wednesday, June 26. More details can be found on the IW Council website.

For voters who may be away or unable to get to a polling station on July 4, the deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on Wednesday, June 19.

Islanders who have moved home recently should check they are on the electoral register and that they will be able to vote.

The last date to make changes to the register to be able to vote is on Thursday, June 18.

Isle of Wight East Constituency

Emily Brothers

The Labour Party

(Image: Contributions)

David Groocock


(Image: Contributions)

Michael Lilley

Liberal Democrat

(Image: Contributions)

Vix Lowthion

The Green Party

(Image: Contributions)

Sarah Morris

Reform UK

(Image: Contributions)

Joe Robertson

The Conservative Party

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Isle of Wight West Constituency

Cameron Palin

The Green Party

(Image: Contributions)

Ian Pickering

Reform UK

(Image: Contributions)

Richard Quigley

The Labour Party

(Image: Contributions)

Bob Seely

The Conservative Party

(Image: Contributions)

Nick Stuart

Liberal Democrat

(Image: Contributions)

Rachel Thacker

Alliance for Democracy and Freedom

(Image: Contributions)

Note: All candidates listed in alphabetical order (surname)