FIVE beautiful gardens in Arreton — including historic Haseley Manor — will be open today (Sunday, July 14) to raise money for worthy causes on the Isle of Wight.

The owners of some of the village's loveliest properties open their gates to visitors for the annual Arreton Gardens’ Open Day.

Open from 12 noon until 4.30pm, the event will be raising money for the Home-Start Isle of Wight charity and the Isle of Wight Scouts

A plant stall and cream teas at Haseley Manor, will feature, with £5 entry to all gardens signposted on the day. Children can enter free.

Parking is free at Haseley Manor and at the Community Car Park to right of the White Lion pub.

The No.8 Southern Vectis bus also serves the village.

There will also be cream teas at the Coach House, located between Arreton Parish Church and the Old Vicarage, at the other end of the village.

Tickets for any of the featured gardens can be bought at the first garden you go to.

The Home-Start Isle of Wight charity is a community network of trained volunteers and expert support, helping families with children aged under five years, with practical and confidential support.

The scouts have, of course, suffered from a lack of income in recent times and greatly need support.