A PAEDOPHILE from the Isle of Wight who downloaded 15 indecent child sex abuse images, learned his fate when he appeared before a judge.

Simon Gustar, of Winston Road, Newport, appeared for sentencing at the Isle of Wight Crown Court on Tuesday, July 23.

The 66-year-old admitted three charges of making an indecent photograph of a child, between April 24, 2022, and February 2 last year, when he appeared before Island magistrates on June 18.

Among the hoard of indecent images was one of Grade A, the most serious category, while three were Grade B and 11 were Grade C.

For Gustar, Jim Osborne said his client, with no previous convictions, was "disgusted with his own behaviour".

Judge William Ashworth handed Gustar a two-year probation order, with £160 costs and an order to pay Victim Support £500 in compensation.

Gustar was also made subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and ordered to sign up to the Sex Offenders' Register, both for five years.

He was warned if be flouted any of their conditions, it could carry a jail sentence of up to five years.