Representative of the Isle of Wight Youth Council were proud to attend Isle of Wight Pride last week.

Members had seats on the VIP bus in the parade and had the opportunity to speak to youth-related organisations.

The Isle of Wight Youth Council is an apolitical organisation that aims to champion youth voices, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race and beliefs.

Acknowledging the LGBTQIA+ community, the youth council aims to encompass this diversity.

They have done this by implementing Rights, Equality and Diversity as a priority on their manifesto, and creating a committee dedicated to this cause.

Kato Paul, chair of the Rights, Equalities and Diversity Committee, said: “It is important for us to attend Pride because we want to act as an example by embracing all identities.” 

Lily-Rose Blake, youth councillor, said: “This year I enjoyed seeing all the people in attendance. I have seen so many organisations.

"Seeing the amount of families confirmed that the Island can be a safe place for people like the LGBTQIA+ youths.” 

If you are interested in introducing your organisation to the youth council, email the chair, Lianne Ponferrada at