A popular Isle of Wight carnival parade will return to Yarmouth this afternoon (Saturday, August 17) with eye-catching costumes and fun throughout the town.

Carnival Week in Yarmouth – the 112th of its kind – kicked off last Saturday, offering visitors a whole week of carnival fun.

The week has seen various fun and games, from boat racing, teddy bears’ picnic and field sports to the dog and pet show, wellie throwing and a treasure hunt. 

MacInnes family and friends as gods and goddesses at Yarmouth Carnival in 2023MacInnes family and friends as gods and goddesses at Yarmouth Carnival in 2023 (Image: Isle of Wight County Press)

See our full list of Isle of Wight summer carnivals 

At 3pm today, there will be a prize giving ceremony for the week’s competitions and events.

Carnival participators will gather on the Green at 3.30pm for judging, before setting off and weaving its way around Yarmouth town at 4pm.

The route will see the parade travel along River Road, St James’ Street, left onto Bridge Road, past the Wightlink terminal and The George, onto Market Square, High Street, right onto Basketts Lane, Tennyson Road, left to Victoria Road, through to Station Road, Mill Road, before returning to River Road and the Green.