A MAJORITY of recent feedback for the Isle of Wight's health and social care services is negative, according to an Island watchdog.

Healthwatch Isle of Wight's (HIW) findings show residents are reporting long waits for autism and ADHD assessments, positive feedback for GP staff but negative feedback for accessing GP services and widespread concern over the cost and availability of dental appointments.

The most common areas of feedback were GP services and those relating to autism and ADHD between July 13 and August 12.

Over 30 per cent of reaction was recorded as negative responses to GP services, compared to just below 20 per cent negative feedback for autism and ADHD services.

Dentistry and pharmacy services also received large numbers of negative responses: respectively over 15 per cent and ten per cent of overall data.

General figures show 52 per cent of feedback was negative, four per cent was mixed or neutral and 44 per cent was positive.

Palliative care services had the most positive responses which amounted to over 15 per cent of the data.

Meanwhile ten per cent of the findings was positive feedback for adult social care.

One anonymous user of Isle of Wight health and social care services said in reference to a child autism assessment: "We have been on the waiting list for two and a half years!"

Another commented: "My (relative) has had to wait for over a month just to have a phone consultation with his GP."

A third said he had not had a dental appointment for five years as his dentist is only offering urgent and emergency appointments.

Joanna Smith, manager at Healthwatch Isle of Wight, said: "Some people have visited their GP practice to book an appointment and been told that this can’t be done in person, the person will have to contact the surgery by telephone.

"Other people have contacted their GP practice due to a respiratory infection, but have only been offered a telephone appointment.

"People are routinely reporting waits of over two years for autism and ADHD assessments.

"Once they receive a diagnosis, people with ADHD are also reporting problems in accessing ADHD medication (we are aware that this is a national problem).

"Since Jan this year, 119 people have reported negative experiences with dentistry, most people are concerned about not being able to find an NHS dentist on the Island, others are struggling to afford private dental care.

"One person reported paying £1,500 for dental treatment which has not resolved their problems."

Joanna added 70 per cent of people have reported positive experiences with their dental practice, primarily relating to care and treatment received as well as the helpful and professional attitude of staff.

She also said postive feedback for GP staff related to the positive and helpful attitude of GP reception staff and the speed of Cowes Medical Centre's prescription provision.

The Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust has been contacted for a comment.