Wight Harmony, an Isle of Wight male barbershop chorus, is launching a free five-week Learn to Sing Harmony course.

The training, for males of 18 years and over, will hone harmony singing skills, focusing on a different facet each week.

The course aims to develop abilities, enabling singers to perform in close harmony and a cappella style, without any musical instrument support.

The course runs every Thursday from September 12 to October 10, 2024, from 7.15pm to 8.45pm, at Wootton Methodist Church.

The chorus welcomes all men regardless of past singing experience or exposure to music reading.

Complete beginners will receive access to teaching tracks of music and guidance from leaders, helping them discover their vocals.

Experienced singers seeking a challenge or wanting to try new voice parts from bass, baritone, lead or tenor are also welcomed.

Everyone will be helped to choose a voice part suiting their range.

To secure your free place, email eventsmanager@wight-harmony.org.uk.