Bathers braved a 1.3-mile swim to raise over £26,000 for Wessex Cancer Support's Swim for Hope.

This annual event saw 27 swimmers support local cancer patients.

Michelle Salsbury, chair of the charity’s IW Business Development Group, said: "I am proud that since the event began four years ago, we still have keen swimmers raising a huge amount for the charity. I can’t wait to do it all again in 2025!"

Laura Haytack, Wessex Cancer Support’s regional fundraising manager, said: "This event is tough to organise with so many on–the-water-logistics, but we have an incredibly dedicated team of supporters including Freshwater Lifeboat, The Needles Pleasure Cruise, and over 20 kayakers and support boats who all made this day possible.

"Swim for Hope is one of my favourite events, with the day bringing so much joy to all those taking part."

The event was kindly sponsored by RenoDrain.

The 2025 swim will take place on July 19.

Those interested in participating can visit the Wessex Cancer Support website.