A survey to find out how a church can serve its community is being carried out by Christ Church in Totland Bay.  

Earlier in the year its pews were removed, and Christ Church wants to know how the community would like to use the space that has been created.  

“We began by consulting our members, and now have put out an online survey so the whole community can tell us their views and ideas about Totland, and how they would like to use the church,” said Peter Byatt, church warden.

“We would like to hear from as many people as possible.” 

The removal of the pews was a big step for the church, says Geoff Kirk, the other church warden.

“It’s lighter without all that dark wood, and it’s given us a flexibility to use the church space more creatively when we hold concerts and events – even the acoustics are better! It’s really exciting!”  

The church already hosts community support meetings and other pastoral outreach.

To complete the survey, go to https://bit.ly/ChristChurchCommunityQuestionnaire or collect a paper copy from the church or parish council.    

“The survey will only take a few moments for people to fill in,” said Peter Byatt. 

Rev Leisa Potter, Vicar of the West Wight Mission Community of 12 churches, including Christ Church, led a steering group aimed at defining Christ Church's values.

Next, members of the congregation leafleted the 1,500 homes in Totland, to find out what people love about Totland –  but also to discover what further support could be provided for those in need.

The results will be shared with Totland Parish Council, a partner in the exercise.