A FOUNDATION that supports charitable projects on the Isle of Wight, WightAID, has donated more than £13,000 to various causes, from disabled sailors and swimmers, to a project to protect a stream from invasive Himalayan balsam

The largest recipient of the charity's July grant round was the Isle of Wight Prostate Cancer Support Group (IWPCSG), which received £5,000.

The money will go towards testing and support for Island men and their families.

The IWPCSG encourages all men aged 40 to 90 to be aware of prostate cancer.


It holds regular PSA blood test sessions across the Island, with results analysed by a consultant.

The group also supports a wellbeing package, which includes one-to-one counselling, yoga, exercise programmes, and help with continence pads.

The Disabled Sailors Association received £1,500 for a day cruise for ten disabled Islanders.

Isle Access was granted £2,000 for The Carol Greenham Accessible Swimming Club, which benefits disabled people and their carers.

Natural Enterprise was given £2,000 to remove the invasive Himalayan balsam from Calbourne and Brighstone Stream.

The charity said swift action was necessary as the plant seeds in early August.

Bembridge Youth FC Futsal Team received £1,500 to pilot a team into the New Forest League.

Revive Newport/The Living Room, which provides practical, financial, and emotional support to both young and old, received £500 for upgrading kitchen items and redecorating toilet facilities.

June Morell, of Revive Newport, said: "We are so grateful to WightAID for the donation, which will make such a difference to our very valued customers’ experience of The Living Room."

Brighstone Belles also received £500 for their Care Home Singing Project.

The grant will enable the singing group to assess the needs of care home residents and provide song sheets relevant to their needs, as well as providing large-print copies and small musical instruments to enhance their enjoyment of singing in a group.

The latest charity cheque presentation was held at IFPL in Calbourne.

Jonathan Thornton and Nicola Johnston from PC Consultants, a long-time supporter of WightAID, presented the charity cheque of more than £13,000.

Geoff Underwood, chairman and founder of WightAID, said: "These grants show the value of WightAID and for it to continue we need Island businesses and individuals to continue giving to the charity."